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German Oldies

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Barock-And-Roll Ensemble//Valkyrie And The Rhine Maidens 7" Eine Kleine Beatle Musik//On The Bayreuth Beat His Masters Voice 7EG 8887 v/e UK 1965 10,00
Blue Diamonds EP Ramona/Sieben Musikanten//Ahoi-ohe/Dreamy Fontana E 76 807 e/e GER 1962 16,00 StOCf
Blue Diamonds 7" Ramona//Liebe Mich! Fontana 266 193 TF e/v GER 1966 5,00 StOL
Blue Diamonds 7" Träum Von Mir//Ahoi-Ohe Fontana 266 226 TF e/v GER 1961 5,00
Fats & His Cats 7" Hello//Gigolo Carina F 103 e/e GER 1963 12,00
Henner Hoier 7" Beautiful Sunday//Jeder Hat Seine Träume Polydor 2041 268 e/v GER 1972 4,00 ex-Rattles!
Henner Hoier 7" Eldorado//Gypsy Lady Autobahn ZB 5815 m/e GER 1981 3,00 ex-Rattles!
Jonah & Moby Dick 7" Vaya Con Dios//Sweet Sweet Angela BASF 05 11139-8 v/e GER 197 4,00 WOC
Lords LP The Best Of The Lords EMI 64 871 e/n GER 197 14,00 Club
Lords 7" And At Night//Fire Columbia C 23 775 v/v GER 1968 4,00 bDOL; sWOL; TOC; WOC
Lords 7" Glory Land//Rain Dreams Columbia C 23 576 e/v GER 1968 6,00 bDOCb
Lords 7" Poor Boy//Poison Ivy Columbia C 22 949 v/- GER 1965 4,00 NC; MBC; StOL
Lords 7" Que Sera//Boom Boom Columbia C 23 080 v/v GER 1966 11,00 WOL; WOC
Lords 7" Shakin' All Over//Poor Boy Columbia 1C 006-30 400 e/e GER 1972 4,00 Serie "Golden Oldies" Vol.29
Rattles LP Hurra Die Rattles Kommen Star-Club 158 013 STY g/v GER 1965 28,00 WOL; WOCb
Rattles 7" Cauliflower//I Will Always Stay Your Friend Star-Club 148 583 STF e/e GER 196 20,00
Rattles 7" It Is Love//Hey Sally Star-Club 148 571 STF v/v GER 196 15,00
Rattles 7" Mashed Potatoes//Hello Philips 345 593 PF f/- GER 1963 4,00 NC; WOL; Serie "Twist im Star-Club" 3. Folge
Rattles 7" Painted Warrior//One Night In Paris RCA ZB 43629 e/e GER 1990 2,50
Rattles 7" The Witch//Get Away Fontana 6004 010 v/v GER 1970 4,00 TOC
Theru Sound Company 7" Jeanette//Träume Aus Samt Und Seide Bellaphon BL 1132 v/e GER 196 5,00
Peter-Thomas-Sound-Orchester LP Raumpatrouille Fontana 6434 261 v/v GER 1966 8,00
Peter Thomas Sound-Orchester//Sir Peter And His Oldtimers 7" Melissa//Black & White-Charleston CBS 2135 g/e GER 1966 4,00
- Various Artists - LP Beat In Germany Die Volksplatte SMVP 6022 v/e GER 1964 6,00 w. Lords, Javalins, Hazy Osterwald-Sextett, Paul Kuhn a.o.!
Sonja Ziemann EP Sonja Ziemann Singt Aus "My Fair Lady" (Wäre Det Nich' Wundascheen?/Ohne Dich!//Wart's Nur Ab!/Ich Hätt' getanzt Heut' Nacht!) Philips 423 440 PE e/e GER 1962 9,00 StOL

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Last Update: August, 25th 2017